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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2011 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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we'll see you since original my car broke so told my car grown to be to her children it would be sure marco results which will result in the snow t. on numa cold local children would result michael's beverly closer to toe much revering the tone would cause such home with. the libyan government says the coldest air strikes on the country have claimed more civilian lives as program forces target a rebel held city in the west. this is well by the way not a girl clark zero it's also a no drive zone in norwalk so. concerned about the hasan agenda behind a military intervention in libya i made some conflicting statements from british officials on targets in colonel gadhafi. and radiation levels and grounds for consumer nuclear plants are reported to be over one and a half hours and times higher than normal but fears of food and water for
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examination and area calling. us an artsy live from moscow word six pm it's five pm into the green libya and international coalition forces have conducted air strikes on the contrary for a third night libya's government says there have been more civilian deaths a u.s. fighter jet crashed there overnight although american officials say it was not shot down troops loyal to the libyan leader colonel gadhafi or attacking rebel strongholds in the west of the country or to use paul the slayer as more will in the latest coalition is strikes to libyan naval bases and key libyan airports were hit we're hearing from a government spokesperson mr it brought him here in tripoli that a number of people were killed. in what he says was
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a civilian airport in the city of set and certainly state television here has been reporting nonstop really people have been killed many people have been injured in these latest a strikes rebel leaders in the east of the country have been meeting with members of representatives of the united nations in the city of to brooke and there are discussing humanitarian concerns and the latest humanitarian efforts there was a cease fire and manson and by the government on sunday but this seemingly continues to be ignored on the ground as intensive fighting continues predominantly in the cities in the city of some ten in the weights where we're being told that government troops continue to bombard the town in the city of misrata for the fourth consecutive day government troops have surrounded the town and they are stopping the supply of all water fuel and electricity to residents inside and in the city of ajdabiya which is the next and largest city after the rebel stronghold city of benghazi where we've been told that government troops continue to ambush at these intensive fighting and the latest word we have is that rebel fighters are
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advancing from benghazi to edge to be able to try and help the economy and fellow fighters there now overnight here in the capital city of tripoli there were major explosions most of them came from the south of the city there was a lot of smoke in the skies that is where the compound of gadhafi is situated it has already been hit before a three story building where the controls the command and control center for his operations was we were told really destroyed but certainly here for several hours throughout the night mandate it was anti aircraft fire canada is the latest to send four fighter jets we understand that they have flown over libya but they haven't actually as of your participated in any operations they've also seems to refueling tanks here qatar has sinned six fighter jets they have landed in crete the british thai food france has had also participated in the first ever combat mission that took place on monday and we've been told that they will be a national meeting of united nations. if you council that will be held this coming
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thursday to discuss these latest developments and the latest operations on the ground what is also seen in the lawn bills is that we are hearing from rebel leaders that as they advance race what's he trying to recapture some of the towns and some of the cities that they've lost money means a national community more a cover so people are asking well just time voting for just how long is the international community to keep going to provide those any kind about and what will be the continuous climb up civilians more people on the ground becoming increasingly alarmed that innocent people are going to be killed. stay right up close to the action in libya on our website and also our page argues publicly or you just saw reporting from libya there sara's heart inside experience from the capital tripoli in her blog and her latest post she explains how difficult it is to get anything done in the capital that's due to the complicated procedure of asking government minors for permission you can also find a link to paula's blog as well as her latest updates on the situation in libya on
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our twitter page that's our to underscore krom. moscow is standing firm over the crisis in libya saying the no fly zone over the constant search be used only to protect civilians and greenpeace president medvedev stance has been backed by russia's defense minister who has met with the pentagon chief or his company not a czar of one has more from. u.s. a good secretary of defense robert gates met with his russian counterpart in moscow today of the day is of course the second day of his visit to russia he spent yesterday and some hears words and during the discussion the two men talked about all things relevant to the relationship between moscow and washington of those of course including the start treaty and all the work being done there the collaboration between russia and the coalition forces led of course by the united states and afghanistan the two men of course could not avoid the subject of libya
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russia once again reiterating its position that the u.n. resolution one thousand nine hundred eighty three was basically enforced in order to ensure a no fly zone that would in fact it in turn to guarantee civilians on the ground in libya some sort of security and safety that has not been the case so far according to russian politicians and russian officials and u.s. secretary of defense robert gates seemed to agree with that statement saying that the military. incursion into libya and the military presence in libya will have to be significantly decreased and that libyans and only libyans have the power and of the right to decide the fate of their own country version of president that he didn't actually took the problem even further out of the conflict in libya according to him has not only affected that country but also the north african region and also could in fact in danger of the peace process negotiations that
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concern the middle east that of course was said during a meeting between the russian president leader of the palestinian national authority mahmoud abbas which also took place here in moscow's russian foreign minister also boys to his concerns saying that he believes that it's the situation in libya worsens and the military presence in libya does continue it could actually lead to further destabilization all the entire region and possibly even of the spread of international terrorism. well in britain there appears to be inconsistency about the aims the coalition is pursuing in libya prime minister cameron says that regime change is not on the table but the u.k. defense and foreign secretaries have said that there is a possibility that troops could target colonel gadhafi or emmet has the latest from the. governments both in front of it scenes and also behind the scenes is arguing that gadhafi himself could be construed as threats to the civilian population and
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therefore it would be illegal and within the terms of the un security council resolution to endeavor to target him of the other side we got the army and the chief of the defense staff who when asked if he thought it was permitted under the terms of the resolution to target personally he unequivocally said absolutely not and said that he didn't want to discuss this any further we are seeing in this therefore international division as well the senior people in washington also say that direct strike against gadhafi would not be permitted under the terms of the security council resolution now why is this so important well of course it belies confusion within the ranks as far as this no fly zone and this military intervention is concerned it shows a lack of planning why weren't these questions discussed before they went in were they in fact and the u.n. security council will come out but now the the resolution is open to a bit of playing with words a bit of interpretation after the ferocity of the first air strikes that we saw the arab league said this is not really what we signed up for so it also raises the
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specter of those dreaded words regime change which brings up shades of iraq with not very many people in this country the general feeling would be that the country would not tolerate another iraq like situation so the government is being urged by factions inside it to stick religiously to the terms of this u.n. security council resolution to avoid this mission creep and to avoid this sort of open ended commitment to having military intervention in the region but it seems that with this reinterpretation of what the resolution actually means it's kind of playing with the words the government isn't actually doing that and doesn't look like it will. well india has flat out refused to support the invasion of the private new coalition saying not enough time was devoted to a peaceful resolution as artie's previous streeter reports it sounds like certain countries jumped the gun comments or adventism regime change. and they felt it to support any sort of being stand or air strikes would eventually be promoting
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imperialism and they don't want to have anything if you want to. prevent all the way to developments on our website at www dot com. as the allied bombing of the bia and thursday three americans getting involved in another long term war which will ruin its economy that's the opinion of lou brockwell chairman of the us based research institute. they want to divide and conquer just like the romans so they this is a this is not by the way not a no fly zone it's also a no drive zone and no walk. in there but they mediately and they didn't keep them as bad as it would be to intervene to keep airplanes from flying immediately or attacking people on the ground and of course killing a lot of a lot of people want a blood flowing. we don't know who's what it is but i do think it's a good thing that out of. this is not a good thing that we have another war going on and i must say from the standpoint
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of an american concern with the fact that our government is broke that the dollar is going down the drain that the government is putting the whole country of the most horrific financial circumstances here there starting yet another war to spend who knows how many billions of dollars makes the military industrial complex very happy i must say among us taxpayers if we don't like these rebels are being led by former officials of how they got off you were to meet on a bunch of libertarians so i think yes as they struggle for power and as one group will want the u.s. helping them we will be regional players whether it's the people within egypt or sudan or some of the other countries of europe but they don't want another u.s. occupation right in their backyard so yeah i think there could be much more of an open civil war. but the u.s. is planning to hand over its leading role in the operation in libya and the question now is who will pick up professor hall gardener from the american
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university in paris says nato will not be able to because of internal finance. they are really is that the two major allies in nato germany and turkey have been the most consistent critics of the post they were best allies during the cold war and become the most reluctant to engage in military actions and after the cold war so you see that miracle but you also see that in the military opposition to any trying to slow military participation within a nato context i think that nato could probably stay in the background but it would not be a nato operation. but you can also keep up with the very latest on the libyan crisis line any time you've gone out for you to channel to see dramatic footage of the very latest developments in the country plus joint lightly debate on the french ally of the country on our facebook page and have your say.
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to japan now where radiation levels in some areas around the sima nuclear plant are one thousand six hundred times higher than normal so says the international atomic energy agency khans as engineers resume the struggle to cool down reactors after a small pair works at the facility ours is a gravel road and it is following that. engineers have been able to resume their efforts to connect power to older reactors at the fukushima nuclear power plant yesterday these efforts had to be stopped after smoke started billowing out of two of the reactors as soon as the power is reconnected several more steps will have to be taken but eventually the engineers are hoping that the water cooling systems
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will be able to be reactivated otherwise the focus has shifted on to the impact of the radiation which has already been released the thirty's are saying that in some of the areas around the plant the radiation levels are one thousand six hundred times higher than the this should be normally villagers in there by settlement have been told not to drink that water because it contains possible radioactive elements and so they're being given bottled water there's also suspicion that some the marine life around the plant on the coast has been a poisoned as well and may play some sort of risk to the fishery you also had scares over the weekend and after that i would cultural products from the area maybe contaminated as well not the thirty's are saying the levels are safe but of course there's still a level of anxiety among the japanese people and even people as to the possible risks of radiation of course there is still the impact of the earthquake and the tsunami which has recently struck japan police are saying that nine thousand people have been confirmed as dead more than twelve thousand is missing three hundred
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thousand or more than that remain homeless and of course the number of the confirmed dead is likely to grow over the next few weeks. of his tweeting for us from out tokyo you can check that out on our twitter account i his latest reports talk about how he can feel the asters socks from the thirty years floor of his hotel room quite a scary experience check out his tweets are on our twitter account at ardsley underscore com. well the nuclear crisis in japan has evoked fears that a new atomic task is it could devastate the contrary the only nation to ever feel the force of a nuclear weapon and still remembers the horror of the event sixty five years on are these are better reports now from nagasaki. policeman has borne the scars of nuclear disaster for most of his life as a result of mega sucky your sherry in milwaukee has had liver and kidney problems since he was thirty five and he's already beaten cancer twice every time he falls
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ill now he feels it could be his last battle shooter watches events unfold at fukushima fearing the true nature of the disaster is yet to show itself so too was only a result of the contamination when just indulged in the event will be handed down from generation to generation i have four daughters the first to have leukemia another has breast cancer but it was so severe disaster will be shown in generations to come. you should know was just eleven when the bomb was dropped he survived the blast but was exposed to lethal levels of radiation at least two trips to the hypocenter first to find his father then to bury him despite everything he's pro nuclear power but still thinks fleeing from fukushima is the wise thing to do so then the i don't think the public or the government are overreacting in this
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situation i think people must take all precautionary measures they can to avoid the worst for the rest of the night a psyche the stands today add to be built from scratch eleven square kilometers were reduced to dust a cloud of its tragic past still hangs over the city and some residents though know what it means to suffer and are willing to help those in need members of the international volunteer organization the lion's club here collecting for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami everyone's desperate to give with donations already ten times higher than normal. we have a case of something happens in our nation the nation would help each other especially the people in my recital very very sensitive to atomic power so we are very worried about what happened. and we want to help more than thirty every way sounding like a sack it is
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a memorial to the seventy five thousand it died when the comic bomb was dropped here this one that exact moment now the city will forever serve as a reminder of the destructive potential of nuclear power and those here are now praying that fukushima well remembered in the same way in august sakis transformation has been remarkable ground zero is unrecognizable the city would escape any radiation from a meltdown at fukushima but there is a nuclear plant close by and the incident has left residents living in fear. over there. people can notice erkki of hiroshima very sensitive to the incident. we've never experienced such a devastating nuclear arsenal before and i think everyone is no free and this could happen again i was in the freedom you can be sure but now because you can see it's not under control though that this memorial represents the wall to crave by so many after the explosion at the base and tranquility
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a far cry from the destruction wrought by the tsunami has done its damage this place reminds us the ripples from a radioactive disaster extends for generations i didn't see something. now while japan's nuclear crisis is a source of anxiety for millions for some it could be a source of profit next hour max keiser and stacy herbert discuss how much human lives are worth to major corporations. by the remaining japanese population going to skyrocket in value because of the stary that the worst you screw up in our economy the higher prices go maxwell speaking of extinction in relation to the japanese nuclear disaster documentation is emerging from nine hundred seventy two when this plant and this reactor was designed that the three nuclear scientists working on it resigned because it was so on safe this reactor built by g.e. the u.s. government of the department of energy was also aware of this but they decided not
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to do anything because it would essentially make the nuclear industry extinct reckless their reckless and there they are they fall the masters of blind profiteering and human life is worth nothing. if you want to cause a report in just over an hour's time right here on our t.v. in other news belgium is heading for a political record as the country has been in deadlock over forming a new government for almost a year now french and dutch speaking parties have been in talks since elections last summer but have made little progress and as you know bush the reports they are experts see succession ahead and not just in belgium but across the u. . the fridge parents the floor there's all those both cultures
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so was building breaks up he fears for his children's future. if you go there no because all this museum should be splits all the picture of the state. nor the flemings themselves. flash on the streets. fed up with subsidizing its poor southern neighbor the north wants away but we're big to disagree leaving the country paralyzed without a government for months now a world record schools already teach while loon children on the ground floor flemish kids up stairs the fact. it will not and. will not influence in the public come from slight. pain like france they will follow growing ethnic divides of fueling separatist movements across the e.u. from the shaky cease fire of the terrorist attacks in spain to bombings in french
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corsica divorces and a couple in just one state and britain. at least a few believe the editorials. would be acceptable. if there is a majority of the referendum splits of a less harmonious kind could mean trouble ahead here comes. the southern part of the country and help the conflict away so you're stuck with a poorer neighbor the e.u. seems unable to stop rising inequalities between its people in the twenty first century some see a new states forming in europe as basic tensions across the e.u. region boiling point separatists see lloyds at the end of the tunnel that threatens the very concept of the european union as for growing number. citizens abroad to sit on the wall. all to brussels. to look at some world news in brief for
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you this hour israel's former president morsi. that the seven years in jail for sexual offenses found guilty of raping a female employee during his tenure as minister of tourism and sexually harassing her former workers women rights groups in israel welcomed the verdict saying that workplace abuse is all too often ignored. yemen's leader of three decades has promised to step down by the years and as part of a transfer of power to the opposition comes after senior army officials defected from the government and joined protesters their move has been linked to reports that security forces to skies the civilians killed dozens of demonstrators in a single day for two months now the opposition has been demanding that president sign me that down he promises he will not hand power to the movie. business is next here in r t with you.
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that's right time to have a look at what's happening in the world of business and another piece of the south stream puzzle is being put into play which is a visit to slovenia the prime minister is overseeing a series of agreements concerning the construction of a pipeline in the country our correspondent has the details. it has been a rather good week for south stream project so far and today and you have expected to be signed between russian company gas from and libyan company leader on a joint venture to implement this levin section of the south stream project which will top the agenda all for prime minister with his visit to slovenia earlier german company bass has joined the venture intending to invest two million u.s. dollars in an where fifty percent stake in the project together with a talent company any and french company for the deal has significantly improved the
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image of the projects and the gas pipeline will deliver gas to the south of europe from russia bypassing ukraine which is previously proved to be an unreliable transit country the construction will begin in two thousand and fifteen it just three years after that the pipeline will be able to operate in its full capacity. russia is inviting japanese companies to take part in a range of energy projects according to japanese prime minister citron person close building a package of chemicals complex and russia's far east and developing coal and gas bills according to massive convicts and trillions of pills. let's see what's happening to the price of oil and black gold prices a slightly lower weight by insurgents have demand from the world's number three consumer how with a persistent transitions and read we're still give support to crude tensions in the region leads to further it will spikes in the short term but there are no
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fundamental reasons for the moment why prices should remain permanently high. they could go short. as high as you could swing or in other words you can even see a higher level from inches from some eight groups longer term i don't think are we going to see a major spike in libya unless of course things go really can be extreme scenario and we see libya as world installations destroy the risk premium in your branch might might be permanently hard from now on board a few months from egypt who commits assistance in his job or whatever governments libya gets it's going to register lines on the response which were over the border on the loose there's no way we can afford to reduce is all exports significantly. let's not take a look at how the markets are performing us stocks are inching lower in early
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chooses trades investors are hesitant to make any big moves the rally which began last to be slowing down and into europe stocks have retreated from their early warning gains to edge lower the sour among the losers in this the german retailer metro aging down three point three percent after given a cautious trading outlook our weather insurance and financial stocks are rallying . partly to russia where the stocks lower at this hour investors are still taking profits off of last week's strong gains the r.t.s. is losing point four percent while the license is shedding point eight percent this hour time to have a look at some into vidual show moves look where shares are losing about two percent of the news a company associated with blue cause its c.e.o. has sold two billion dollars worth of lukoil derivative stock was promised down just under one percent news of south through vale with bush's war the fact that alexa miller has been elected c.e.o. for another five years hasn't given shares left and therefore has extended waltzes
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dropping one point three percent this hour despite a source at the airlines saying it's not. profit grows more than two souls in trying to turn to two hundred eighty million dollars. on brushes largest mobile phone retailer yourselves has caused plans to float on the london stock exchange a source close to the jail says the company is looking to raise as much as one billion dollars so be sure you're a septet been followed by a balance of between three point two and five and then thought that's. it that's all we have time for now get more for a small website archie dot com slash business.
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